Saturday 26 July 2014


The creation of institutes of technology and polytechnic goes way back from the 18th century, they were created as a result of the expansion in engineering and applied science associated with the new needs created by industrialization. In Nigeria, there are over 80 polytechnics(21 federal,38 state and 22 private polytechnics) with Yaba college of technology(1948) as the oldest and Kaduna
polytechnic(1956) as the second oldest and largest in Africa South of the Sahara.

There are few differences between polytechnics and Universities. It should be noted that they are both
created for the same purpose which is to mold students into educated and industrious youths. It is noted that while an HND holder can rise to grade level 13 or uss 12, a Bsc holder can rise to grade level 14 or uss 13.Polytechnic graduates are awarded HND certificates while university graduates are awarded Bsc certificates.

In as much as that there is a disparity between these two in terms of infrastructures, fair treatment and job opportunities.HND holders are being looked down upon in the society after spending 4 years and an additional 2 years for post-graduate diploma. The question begging for answers is  "why are the HND holders treated as inferiors to the Bsc holders in the society?"After all, it is known that polytechnics offer highly technical, scientifically oriented research and with more experiments than the University.

The government should consider making the HND and Bsc holders equivalent, taking into consideration the stress (work, time and money) an HND holder goes through and make life easier and better for them. The private sector is not left out as they also have roles to play, job opportunities should be offered to both HND and Bsc holder based on qualification and not certificates.

By Mariam Bilesanmi

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