Sunday 13 July 2014

Only One Woman is A Federal Uni VC - Jamiu Danga

In a country of about 177 million (CIA factbook) only one Woman is suitable to be a Vice Chancellor in the 40 Federal Universities listed by the National Universities commision. ( Professor Mrs Musibau Adewunmi Akanji the Vice Chancellor of FUT Minna is the only woman listed in NUC list of Vice Chancellor. This goes a long way to show how women are not honored in the academic space. with the best Nigerian University Obafemi Awolowo University of Ife ranked as 1926 in world ranking and 21 in African ranking. ( it is imperative to ensure the inclusion of women in university administration. as well as a broader role in Management of Nigeria's ailing education system.
Indeed women have proved that they can be agents of changed, given the right chance and opportunity. Nigeria is currently ranked 1st in Africa's economy because of the giant strides of a female coordinating minister of economy. This can be replicated in Nigeria's Federal Universities. "Just let women In".

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