Thursday 17 July 2014

Dancia's Whitenicious Bleaching Cream Endorsed by Black Celebrities

Dancia advertising her whitenicious skincare line
A body lightening cream called WHITENICIOUS has been launched and sold by Africa singer Dencia, the cream is meant to make your dark skin turn white and remove spots. She claimed that the product will make you LIGHT SKINNED in a week if you rub it on. Well, it is already circulating Africa and the Caribbean.  Now, its gaining popularity in the united states.

Yesterday at the gifting suite at the ESPYs, Dencia's product was  given out to celebrities who
PROUDLY took photos with it. Those celebrities include, Charli Baltimore, Ravaughn (Singer), Claudette Ortiz, Sundy Carter (basket ball wives), Coco Brown, Kd Aubert amongst others.

I then wondered the length at which women will go to impress men. Beware of a girl that suddenly turns light skinned beside your house, dencia's WHITENICIOUS as taken effect.
LMAO !!!
A couple of photos below:

I just have one question, WHAT ARE THE SIDE EFFECTS????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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