Sunday 20 July 2014

IN PHOTOS: Best Brazil 2014 World Cup In and Off Field Moments

It's been a week since the 2014 Fifa World Cup in Brazil ended, so i decided to bring your guys some  world cup photos. This post features moments from before the world cup through the world cup period. Ok, let me cut to the chase and get down to it already....

First of all, you know its Brazil when you see Christ the Redeemer statue. In this photo, the statue looks over the Maracanã Stadium in Rio de Janeiro.

Now, am sure you heard about how some Brazilians were not in support of the governments decision to host the world cup because of their economic conditions, which led to series of protest of different kinds. Graffiti arts works were a form of such protests. Like the one above.

 Another of such graffiti works.

A graffiti art work of arguably three of the most talked about players in the planet right now.

After all the protests, the world cup kicked of in style and it was a relief to see posters like the one above.

This aerial photo taken of the Estadio Rio Beira in Brazil

Now, the picture above is one of the most popular pictures to surface during the world cup. As we all know Spain were knocked out of the world cup in the most unlikeliest of ways, this photo says goodbye Spain *I think☺☺☺ *

It is Saurez the vampire again.... you know the rest...

A beautiful World Cup inspired Lambogini wrap in London. SWEET!!!

I do not know how the producers pulled this off during the opening ceremony but somehow they did. Creativity in display.

 Very Nice art of the players of the Nigerian football team

This photo of a barber in Texas who supplied a special service during the 2014 World Cup is just amazing and genius. His amazing hair cut skill could perfectly paint figures of football players on peoples heard.

De Jong of of Netherland and Ac Milan captured testing his kong fu skills on Alonso of Spain. Funny thing is, he did not get red carded for this silly challenge. 

I know what you might be thinking, what does a paper have to do with the world cup? Well, this was the paper on which Ilan Smith the illusionist wrote the prediction of the outcome of the world cup, the goal scorer and the time he  would score the goal. I wrote about Ilan Smith you can check it out here

In the Spirit of the World Cup. Amazing what people do because of the football.

A photo of the a girl posing with cops during the world cup.

Pre world cup photo of Shekira showing some skills. Did she really do this? I will let you be the judge of that.

Another  drawing like the one of the Nigerian team, but this time of Mario Balloteli of Italy with that famous pose. You gave got to love this guy.

Give this cake to an Argentine as a birthday present and am 100% positive you are not going to like to face the person when he or she cuts the cale. ☺☺☺

You know what they say, save the best for last, and this to me is the best in-field moment of the world cup. A beautiful graffiti art work of The Flying Dutchman Robin Van Persie as he nodded home the equalizer for Netherlands against Spain in their first group match. VAN PERSIEEEEEEEE!!!!!

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