Monday 14 July 2014

It comes down to Gotze!

After 64 matches which Produced 171 goals, only same with the FRANCE '98 world cup. Brazil '14 will be remembered as one of the most televised and twitted world event in History. With all teams hoping to nick a win the world cup tournament that saw the early exit of hopefuls like defending champions Spain, Jokers Portugal, Media Hyped England and a Disoriented Italian side, the world cup lived up to its bidding.

However,the 7:1 defeat of Brazil by the Germans is a tale the Brazilians will hope should be erased
from memory soon, "but that won't happen just yet" at least not yet. In the Final match,Up of a well managed German team and A Messi Ladden Argentine Side, the focus was on Miroslav Klose to add to his record goals in a world cup, Thomas Muller and Ozil for the Germans. While Argentina Rode on the shoulder of the oft Inspiring Messi, and a classy Higuain and Aguero. It came all down to Gotze! a young athlete that came on for Klose with little expectation. He smashed a classy finish to earn Germany their Fourth world Cup.

Viva Germany! Savour the victory.

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