Wednesday 6 August 2014


Ebola virus,one of the deadliest diseases is mainly found in primates
in africa and possibly philippines.It was first discovered in 1976
when it emerged in Sudan and Zaire,it is also classified into
The first strain of Ebola(EBOS) infected over 284 people with a
mortality rate of 55%,the second strain (EBOZ) has the highest
mortality rate of 88%, the third strain (EBOR) was first detected in
1989 when infected monkeys were imported from Philppines and infected
few people who never developed Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever(EF),the last
known strain (EBOCI) was discovered in 1994 when a female ethologist
accidentally infected herself while performing a necropsy on a dead
chimpanzee from the Tai forest.

Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever occurs mainly in Africa in the Republic of
Congo, Gabon, Sudan,Ivory Coast, Uganda and continues to rage in
Guinea, Liberia,Sierra Leone and has spread to nearly 6 other West
Africa Countries.Risk factors of the fever are travel areas with
endemic Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever and/or close association with an
infected person.

The fever incubates within two to twenty-one days.Symptoms include
fever,headache,joint and muscle aches,sore throat,weakness and
progressive symptoms include diarrhea,vomitting,stomach
pain,hiccups,rash and more terrible symptoms of internal and external
Prevention include
1-avoidance of areas of outbreaks
2-washing of hands frequently with soap and water or alcohol based
hand rubs containing at least 60% alcohol
3-avoiding eating or touching bush meat or any wild animals
4-avoiding contact with infected persons and do not handle the
still-contagious  remains of infected persons with care.
NB-Ebola is spread by direct contact with blood and secretions from
infected patients and clothing,needles and syringes used to treat
However the fear of this deadly virus has been heightened by the recent death of a Nigerian Nurse who treated the Liberia-American Businessman Patrrick Sawyer who travelled from Monrovia to Lagos. 
But reports that a treatment worked on two American Doctors have renewed hopes for the containment of this deadly virus that has no cure
Health workers have hailed the reported success of the experimental drug, ZMapp, on Ebola infected American doctor, Dr Kent Brantly and American Missionary Health worker, Nancy Writebol, while calling for caution.

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